
Glossary Scildon Pension

Glossary Scildon Pension

Actual Retirement Date

The age chosen by the (former) participant at which the old-age pension will actually take effect. This will be before, on, or after the retirement date. This cannot be earlier than 10 years before the AOW-age and no later than 5 years after the (former) member has reached the AOW-age.

AOW (General Old Age Pensions Act)

General Old Age Pensions Act. The AOW is a basic state pension provided by the government. Everyone who has reached AOW age and lives or has lived in the Netherlands is entitled to this pension. The AOW pension is paid out by the Social Insurance Bank (Sociale Verzekeringsbank, SVB) You can find more information about the AOW on www.svb.nl.

Average Part-time Percentage

See part-time percentage


The person who is entitled to a benefit from the pension insurance.

Benefit Agreement

A Pension Agreement whereby the participants know the exact amount of the pension benefits to which they are entitled in advance. The amount of these pension benefits is guaranteed. The total amount of contributions needed in order to be able to pay the pension benefits cannot be indicated in advance.

  • the child with whom the participant has a family relationship before the retirement date, as described in Book 1 of the Dutch Civil Code; and/or
  • the participant's stepchild or foster child, who is permanently supported and raised by the participant as if they were their own child until the participant's death. The maintenance and upbringing must have begun before the retirement date and the foster child must have been reported to the employer in writing by the participant and
  • the child who is not yet 25 years old (if you were a participant in the pension scheme before 01.07.2023, the following applies: the child who is not yet 21 years old, or is a student under the Student Finance Act 2000 and is not yet 27 years old) 
Contribution Due Date

The day(s) in a calendar year on which (a part of) the annual contribution due and the costs of the pension insurance must be paid.

Current Part-time Percentage

See part-time percentage

Customer Profile

The customer profile consists of a number of questions that the (former) participant must answer. This allows the insurer to identify what the (former) participant’s objectives, financial situation, risk appetite, knowledge and experience are for this pension insurance. On the basis of the customer profile, the insurer can assess what is the right balance for the (former) participant between the probability of a good return and the investment risk.

Defined Contribution

The contribution that the employer makes towards the accrual of the pension capital.

Defined Contribution Agreement

An agreement in which it is determined in advance how high the pension contributions paid by the employer for each participant will be. The (former) participants do not know in advance how high their pension will be. The pension contributions are invested individually in order to accrue pension capital. This pension capital is used on the actual retirement date of the (former) participants to purchase a fixed pension benefit or to finance a variable pension benefit.


The termination of the marriage, legal separation and the termination of the registered partnership, for reasons other than death, because a person is missing.

Divorce Covenant

A written agreement with the purpose of recording agreements regarding the termination of the marriage or registered partnership.


The person who under civil law has an employment contract with the employer, with the exception of the managing director/majority shareholder as referred to in Article 1 of the Pensions Act.

Entry Age

The age at which an employee may start participating in the pension scheme according to the Pension Regulations.

Former Participant

A man or woman who has accrued pension entitlements under the Pension Regulations but no longer participates in the pension scheme due to a reason other than death or having reached the actual retirement date.

Former Partner

The man or woman whose marriage with the (former) participant or pensioner has ended through divorce, or the man or woman whose joint household with the (former) participant or pensioner has ended for reasons other than death, because the partner was missing or due to entering into a marriage with the same partner through which a joint household was formed.


The part of the salary over which no contributions are calculated and no pension is accrued.


An investment option offered by the insurer.

Fund Costs

The fund manager incurs costs for managing the funds. The fund costs are comprised of the management fee for the fund manager and other fund charges. Examples of other fund costs include costs for reporting and accountants as well as bank costs and marketing costs. All these expenses are settled within the fund itself. The costs are incorporated into the price and into the realised return.

Gross Return

The investment return achieved by a fund, without taking into account the fund charges. 

Historical Return

The historical return of a fund is the average of the fund’s actual return over the previous 20 years. If a fund has existed for less than four years, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) will determine what return the fund may use as historical return. The historical return is a gross return.

Implementation Agreement

The agreement between the employer and the insurer about the implementation and financing of the Pension Agreement. 

Incapacity for work

For the question whether someone is (partially) incapacitated for work, the insurer will follow the assessment given by the UWV (Employee Insurance Agency), who will apply the Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act (WIA). According to the WIA, a person is incapacitated for work if he is unable to perform normal work due to illness or disability. You can find more information about incapacity for work on www.uwv.nl.


Scildon N.V.

Investment Ratio

The ratio in which amounts are added to or withdrawn from the funds. The investment ratio is equal to the strategic investment mix.

Investment Trust

The account on which the number of units per fund are stored for the pension insurance.

Joint Household

A joint household in which the (former) participant and the partner have a notarial cohabitation agreement, in which the (former) participant and the partner have at least agreed to live at the same address and this notarial cohabitation agreement has been reported to the insurer


the (former) participant and the partner have a cohabitation declaration signed by both, in which the (former) participant and the partner at least declare that they live at the same address and care for each other, and this cohabitation declaration has been sent to the insurer.

If the scheme provides for an indefinite partner's pension and no cohabitation declaration was drawn up before the death, the deceased's partner can declare in a cohabitation declaration after the death that he or she was the deceased's partner and demonstrate that they cared for each other and lived at the same address for at least six months. The partner of the deceased must be able to demonstrate this via the Personal Records Database (BRP). In addition, one of the following circumstances must apply:

a. a child who is entitled to an orphan's pension according to these pension regulations, or

b. a house that the (former) participant or pensioner and the partner both owned, or

c. a house that the (former) participant or pensioner and the partner rented together, or

d. the deceased (former) participant or pensioner is regarded as a partner in the partner's pension scheme.

If the (former) participant or pensioner and the partner are no longer registered at the same address as a result of admission to a healthcare institution, this also counts as living at the same address.

* If you were a participant in the pension scheme before 01.07.2023, the following applies:


A household that is run by the (former) participant for at least six consecutive months with one partner at the same address. The (former) participant and the partner must be able to demonstrate this via the Personal Records Database (BRP). The partner may not be related by blood or marriage in the direct line or in the second degree of the (former) participant.

Managed Investing

This is one of the insurer’s methods of investing. Investments are made for each participant or former participant according to an investment schedule. In this schedule the ratio between the different investment categories, such as shares and bonds (i.e. the strategic investment mix), is continually adjusted over time. We call this a lifecycle profile. This takes into account the number of years until the retirement date (the investment horizon). The current lifecycle profiles can be found on Scildon.nl.

If it will take a long time before the (former) participant reaches the retirement date (long-term investment horizon), then more risk will be taken. This increases the chance of a higher return, and there will still be time to absorb and make up for any disappointing returns. The shorter the period before the retirement date (short-term investment horizon), the less investment risk will be taken in order to reduce the chances of a disappointing return. This means there will be a smaller chance of seeing higher investment returns. This creates a responsible balance between the chance of a good return and the investment risk.

Scildon is responsible for compiling an investment scheme that contains a good balance between return and risk and for the implementation thereof. However, Scildon is not responsible for the final investment results. Disappointing investment results are borne by the participants, just as good investment results.

Management Fees

Fees charged by the insurer to the (former) participants for the administration, reallocation and rebalancing of the investments. The management fees are deducted from the pension capital and are expressed as a percentage of the fund value. 


Marriage and registered partnership.

Maximum Permitted Contribution for Tax Purposes

The maximum permitted defined contribution as described in Chapter IIB of the Salaries Tax Act 1964, and the subordinate regulations based on this.

Monetary Value

The number of units present per fund that are present in the investment trust, multiplied by the price of each fund. The monetary value is expressed in euros.

Negative Risk Contributions

A reimbursement that the (former) participant receives from the insurer for risk that the pension capital will not become payable or fully payable. Negative risk contributions are converted into units and added to the investment trust.

Net Return

This is the return that the (former) participants achieve through their investments in the funds. It is calculated by subtracting the insurer’s fund costs and management fees from the gross return achieved by the fund.

Part-Time Percentage

The ratio between the number of hours worked as agreed with the employer and the working hours. The actual part-time percentage is the part-time percentage of the year in question. The average part-time percentage is the part-time percentage from all years of service divided by the number of years of service.


The employee who obtains pension entitlements according to the Pension Regulations.

Participation Start Date

The date on which a participant starts obtaining pension entitlements according to the Pension Regulations.


The partner is the spouse or registered partner of the (former) participant; or the adult person with whom the (former) participant shares a joint household. Each participant can only have one partner.

The partner may not be a first-degree blood relative, a second-degree direct-line blood relative, an adult stepchild or an adult foster child.

Partner Relationship

The marriage, registered partnership or joint household.

Pension Adviser

The person who advises the employer on the pensions of his employees.

Pension Agreement

The agreements between the employer and the (former) employee, other beneficiaries or pension beneficiaries about pension.

Pension Beneficiary

Person who is the beneficiary of a pension that has not yet commenced.

Pension Capital

The capital used to purchase or financing an old-age and/or a partner’s pension for in the event of death after the retirement date. The amount of the pension capital is equal to the monetary value.

Pension Costs

The contributions and the costs that are owed for the pension insurance.

Pension Entitlement

The entitlement to a pension that has not yet commenced.

Pension Insurance

All rights and obligations of the insurer, employer and (former) participants arising from the Scildon Pension Insurance Terms and Conditions, the applicable Pension Agreement, the Pension Regulations, the Implementation Agreement and the relevant laws and regulations.

Pension Rights

Right to a pension that has already commenced.

Pension Scheme

The pension scheme drawn up by the insurer in which the content of the Pension Agreement and the rights and obligations between the (former) participants and other entitlement beneficiaries or pension beneficiaries, and the insurer are detailed.


Person for whom a pension has commenced based on a Pension Agreement.

Pensionable Earnings

The pensionable salary minus the franchise. If the participant works less than the full working hours, the pensionable earnings will be multiplied by a part-time percentage.

Pensionable Salary

The part of the salary over which you accrue pension. The pensionable salary can never exceed the statutory maximum. No pension entitlements are obtained over the salary that is higher than this amount.

Pessimistic Return

An estimate of the gross return to be achieved if the investment results are disappointing in the long term. The pessimistic return is determined by the AFM. 

Product Return

The net return plus negative risk premiums.

Projected Capital

The projected capital is the estimated pension capital that will become available on the pension date if the participant participates until the pension date. This is based on stable pensionable earnings and payment of contributions. The weighted average product return must also be achieved every year throughout the entire term. Because these principles may deviate from the actual development of the pensionable earnings and the product return, the pension capital that becomes available on the retirement date may be higher or lower than the projected capital. 


The official opening rate or issue rate that applies to units of the fund on the value date.


Adjusting the strategic investment mix to the Managed Investing investment schedule.


Because the prices of units can change, the composition of the investment portfolio may deviate from the Managed Investing investment schedule’s strategic investment mix (skewed growth). The investment mix will be brought back periodically to the strategic investment mix by the insurer.

Registered Partnership

The registered partnership is considered the same as marriage in these pension regulations.

Retirement Age

The retirement age is the first day of the month in which the (former) participant reaches the age of 68.

Retirement Date

The retirement age is the day on which the (former) participant turns 68 years old.

Rising Premium Scale

The defined contribution is promised in the form of an age-dependent, rising premium scale. This means that the defined contribution increases as the participant becomes older and moves on to the next age group. The scale is divided into five-year age groups. If the insurer continues paying the defined contribution throughout a waiver of premium in the event of disability and the participant in question moves to the next age group, the contribution paid by the insurer will also be increased.

Risk Insurance

In the pension scheme, risk insurance refers to: the partner's pension in the event of death before the retirement date; the orphan's pension in the event of death before the retirement date; the Anw-shortfall pension; waiver of premiums in the event of disability. The risk insurance will pay out should the participant die or become disabled. The risk insurance will expire at the end of the participation (for reasons other than death or disability).

Scildon Online Pensions

A shielded and secured part of the Scildon website, which contains information about the pension insurance. This website can be accessed by the employer, (former) participant and pension adviser with a pension scheme with the insurer using unique login details.

Scildon Pension Fund Information

Information about the funds that the insurer draws up periodic. This includes the fund costs and the management fees per fund. The most recent version of the Scildon Pension Fund Information can be found on www.scildon.nl.

Scildon Pension Insurance Terms and Conditions

The general insurance conditions, investment conditions and conditions for insurance of waiver of premiums in the event of incapacity for work that apply for the pension insurance.


See Divorce

Strategic Investment Mix

The ratio in which, based on the managed investment scheme, investments are made in the various investment categories, such as shares, bonds and the money market.

Trading Day

A trading day is any day on which the insurer is open. This is every working day of the year, with the exception of the general public holidays in the Netherlands, including Ascension Day and Good Friday. Euronext Amsterdam and the banks in the Netherlands must also be open for carrying out or having carried out transactions in financial instruments. The manager of the investment institution involved in the transaction must also be present, and foreign stock exchanges and banks that are relevant to the investment institution must be open for carrying out or having carried out transactions in financial instruments.

Uniform Pension Overview (UPO)

The Uniform Pension Overview lists the pension entitlements of the (former) participant, his/her partners and his/her children as well as the estimated pension rights on the retirement date if the participant remains employed by the employer until that date. Participants receive an annual UPO from their current pension provider. Former participants receive a UPO from the pension administrator(s) of the former employer(s) every year. All pension administrators use the same pension statement with the same format, so that pension entitlements from different pension administrators can easily be added together. This allows (former) participants and their partners and children to have insight into the eventual amount of the pension benefits upon retirement, termination of employment, disability or death. A pension statement can also be consulted at www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl (in Dutch).


With a undetermite partner’s pension, a partner pension is insured for each participant, regardless of whether a partner is known to the insurer. In the event of death, it is determined whether there is a partner within the meaning of the pension agreement who is entitled to payment of a partner pension.


The number of units in a fund.

Value Date

The time at which the price of units is determined. This is the first trading day following the day on which an order to purchase or sell units is issued.

Value Overview

De Ruiter, Model 3: this is a numerical overview through which the participant is informed once a year about what has happened with his deposit. The participant sees how much was contributed in the previous year to his old-age pension and the partner's pension for after the retirement date, how much return he has achieved on his investments, what costs were deducted from this by the insurer, how many negative risk premiums he has received and how much the pension capital was at the end of the previous year. Since 2020, the value overview is part of the UPO, and Scildon no longer sends it separately.

Waiting Period

The waiting period for the Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act is 104 weeks.

Weighted Average Product Return

When calculating the projected capital, the insurer takes into account the investment schedule in accordance with the 'Managed Investing' method. The weighted average product return shows an estimated return on investments in the funds. This takes into account the different ratios between the different returns of the funds in which a (former) participant invests until the planned retirement date.

Working Hours

The usual number of hours worked for the employer based on full-time employment.

Years of Service

The number of years and whole months between the last of the following dates: the date of employment/the pension entry date and the retirement date; or the number of years and whole months between the last of the following dates: the start date of the pension scheme/the date of employment/ the pension entry date and the retirement date or, upon early termination of employment, the date on which the employment contract is terminated; and the notional years of service due to incoming (collective) value transfer. If and so long as the participant is exempt from making contributions due to disability, the years between the date on which the employment contract is terminated and the planned retirement date will also count as years of service.